Computing is an integral part of our daily lives. At Godstone Primary and Nursery School, we use the Teach Computing curriculum and Project Evolve resources to equip children with the confidence and skills necessary to fully participate in the modern digital world safely, responsibly and respectfully.
- To give all children a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum with opportunities to gain knowledge and develop skills to equip them for an ever-changing digital world.
- To focus on a progression of skills in digital literacy, computer science and information technology to ensure that children become responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology.
- To regularly revisit skills through a range of themes during pupil’s time in school, to ensure that knowledge is embedded and that skills are successfully developed.
- To develop an increasingly confident and appropriate use of computational language and vocabulary.
- To ensure that all children develop as respectful, responsible and confident users of technology and that they have effective strategies to keep themselves and others safe online.
- To ensure that children are accurately assessed in computing.
- Children in EYFS have access to a wide and varied selection of resources, in both continued provision and teacher-led activities, to incorporate computing in all areas.
- Teach Computing scheme provides coherently planned and progressive lessons from Year 1 to Year 6. Each year group has 6 units, each consisting of a series of six lessons. These are taught weekly, building on previously taught skills.
- Summative end of unit questions to assess children’s retention of key skills taught through the units.
- Appropriate and timely CPD for staff, including computer subject lead.
- Monthly online safety assemblies linked to key aspects of ‘Education for a Connected World’.
- Project Evolve resources are used, alongside key texts, to deliver lessons after each online safety assembly. Lessons are appropriate to the age and stage of the children.
- Evidence of online safety discussions recorded in floorbooks. Children can use these to recap previous learning and build on these with new knowledge.
- Correspondence sent home to parents on current online safety issues.
- Structure of spiral curriculum allows children to revisit each theme through a new unit that consolidates and builds on prior learning within that theme, therefore children remember more.
- For all children to make good and sustained progress and attainment in computing.
- Clear and accurate assessment for computing in KS1 and KS2.
- Improvement in children’s use and understanding of subject specific computing vocabulary.
- Appropriate and timely CPD improves teachers’ subject knowledge.
- Increased confidence in the teaching of the computing curriculum, including online safety objectives, therefore better able to deliver high-quality teaching.
- Online safety maintains a high profile within the school from Nursery to Year 6.
- Children understand and know how to identify and handle risks online and what to do if they encounter anything that worries or upsets them.
- Online safety day celebrated across the school.
- Providing children with a set of skills to embed lifelong love of learning.