Religious Education (RE)
Religious Education
At Godstone Primary and Nursery School, we use The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools 2023-2028, as part of a broad and balanced curriculum The syllabus promotes equality and respect for people of all faiths, cultures and lifestyles. The syllabus' units build on previous learning, ensuring progression throughout the children's education at Godstone Primary and Nursery School.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from the whole or part of the RE curriculum, 'on grounds of conscience'.
- To develop pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
- The teaching of Religious Education (RE) is essential for our children and the development of their cultural capital, whilst helping to educate them in British Values, especially the ‘mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith’.
- The active participation in lessons will help children to grow into caring adults who make positive contributions to society with an understanding that people have different religions and beliefs.
- The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Surrey Schools 2023 - 2028 is used to teach RE.
- Units are taught in the order that they are entered on the whole school curriculum map, building on previous units taught, in a specific religion or area of study.
- Both knowledge and skills are taught. Skills are taught throughout the year groups.
- RE is taught for the equivalent of an hour a week, which can be taught in a teaching block, not necessarily each week.
- Resources and enrichment opportunities complement the curriculum.
- RE supports other subjects in the school curriculum, including, but not limited to English, PSHE, history, geography and art.
- Visitors come into school to support the RE curriculum.
- Visits are taken to support the curriculum.
- All children make good and sustained progress and attainment in RE.
- Pupils will talk with knowledge and understanding about what they have learnt in RE.
- Pupils will apply the skills taught, to their learning in RE and begin to apply these to other subjects.
- Pupils will have respect for those with different beliefs and faiths to their own.