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We recognise the importance of science in every aspect of daily life. We aim to support children in confidently exploring the world around them through providing them with a broad and balanced curriculum. We aim to equip pupils with knowledge, skills and understanding and to encourage children to be inquisitive. We will ensure that the Working Scientifically skills are built-on and developed throughout the children’s time at the school so that they can apply their knowledge of science when using equipment, building arguments and explaining concepts confidently. We will encourage them to continue asking questions and to be curious about the world around them.


  • To develop a science curriculum that is well structured with clear progression throughout so that children become ambitious learners.
  • To develop a science curriculum where knowledge is carefully sequenced to build on and embed substantive and disciplinary knowledge.
  • Equip children with scientific knowledge required to understand the uses of science, today and in the future.
  • Develop and embed scientific enquiry skills that will deepen their scientific knowledge.
  • To develop an increasingly confident and appropriate use of vocabulary, scientific terms and language.
  • Children to feel inspired by learning and understand that they can make a difference/have an impact on the world around them.


  • Lessons are taught following the Developing Experts scheme of work on a weekly basis.
  • The science scheme is taught to ensure progression in lessons and appropriate vocabulary that allows the children to progress and develop their scientific skills.
  • The children’s experiences of science are enhanced by linking with the wider community and with first-hand experiences.
  • A STEM day is held where children can meet engineers and scientists to become ambitious learners.
  • External visits for STEM afternoon for upper key stage two in a secondary school lab for practical lessons and enquiries to engage and inspire children and support with a transition to secondary school.
  • The children’s progression across the science curriculum is analysed using accurate and well formulated assessment techniques.


  • For all children to make good and sustained progress and attainment in science.
  • Clear articulation of children using scientific language confidently and appropriately in lessons and building on their prior knowledge.
  • Progression and development of vocabulary from children across year groups.
  • STEM Day implemented across the school.
  • Children are reflective and understand the importance of science today and in the future and are conscious of the impact that they can have.